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M27 Dumbbell Nebula   aka. Apple Core Nebula (NGC 6853)
Magnitude: 7.5
Distance: Aprox: 1,360 light-years
Constellation: Vulpecula
Radius: 1.44 light years

A 2nd largest known planetary nebula. The central white dwarf in the Dumbbell Nebula has a visual magnitude of 13.8 and an absolute magnitude of about 6, a third of the Sun’s. The star has a surface temperature of about 85,000 K. The Dumbbell Nebula’s shell of gas is expanding at a rate of 17 miles or 31 kilometres per second. The white dwarf will continue to heat it up for billions of years, until it depletes its energy supply and becomes a black dwarf.

Taken 9/26/19 in Kenton, Oklahoma by Russell Kille on a Celestron C14 Edge HD SCT at f/7.7 and ZWO ASI294MC Pro camera.

Camera Settings


Taken 9/24/17 in Toledo Ohio by Russell Kille on a CPC 1100 with Hyperstar @ F2 and ZWO ASI224MC non-cooled camera

Taken 6/14/18 in Grand Rapids Ohio by Russell Kille on a CPC 1100 with Hyperstar @ F2 and ZWO ASI294MC Pro camera