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M4     (NGC 6121)
Magnitude: 5.9
Distance: Aprox: 7,200 light-years
Constellation: Scorpius
Diameter: 75 light-years
Star Count Aprox: 500,000+

Messier 4 is one of the nearest globular clusters to Earth. M4 has a characteristic bar structure across its central region which can be seen in a medium-sized telescope. The best time of year to observe M4 from northern latitudes is in the summer months, when Scorpius is visible above the southern horizon in the evening. From southern latitudes, Scorpius is best seen during the months of May, June and July, when it rises high in the sky.

Taken 6/14/18 in Grand Rapids, Ohio by Russell Kille on a CPC 1100 with Hyperstar @ F2 and ZWO ASI294MC Pro camera