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M58 (aka. NGC 4579)
Magnitude: 10.5
Distance: Aprox: 62 million light-years
Constellation: Virgo
Diameter: 46,000 light-years

Messier 58 is the most distant Messier object and one of the brightest members of the Virgo Cluster. It is an anemic galaxy, which is to say, a spiral galaxy with a low contrast between its disk and its spiral arms, very little neutral hydrogen gas, fewer H II regions, and a low star formation activity.


NGC 4564 eliptical galaxy
Magnitude: 12.05
Distance: Aprox: 57.2 million light-years
Constellation: Virgo


NGC 4567 & 4568 (Siamese Twins or the Butterfly Galaxies)
Magnitude: 10.9
Distance: Aprox: 60 million light-years
Constellation: Virgo

A set of unbarred spiral galaxies. These galaxies are in the process of colliding and merging with each other, as studies of their distributions of neutral and molecular hydrogen show, with the highest star formation activity in the part where they overlap. However the system is still in an early phase of interaction.


NGC 4606
Magnitude: 12.67
Distance: Aprox: 53.3 million light-years
Constellation: Virgo

It has a disturbed stellar disk suggesting the actions of gravitational interactions with NGC 4607. However, their redshifts differ by about 600 km/s making it unlikely that they are they are gravitationally bound pair.


NGC 4607
Magnitude: 13.75
Distance: Aprox: 53.39 million light-years
Constellation: Virgo

NGC 4607 is an edge-on spiral galaxy


IC 3578
Magnitude: 15.1
Constellation: Virgo

Taken 3/18/18 in Pioneer Ohio by Russell Kille on a CPC 1100 with Hyperstar @ F2 and ZWO ASI294MC Pro camera