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M79   (NGC 1904)
Apparent Magnitude: 8.56
Distance Aprox: 42,000 light-years
Constellation: Lepus
Star Count Aprox: 150,000
Diameter: 104 light-years

Messier 79 was discovered by Pierre Méchain in 1780. Like Messier 54 it is thought that M79 is not native to the Milky Way galaxy at all, but instead to the putative Canis Major Dwarf Galaxy, which is currently experiencing a very close encounter with the Milky Way. This is, however, a contentious subject as astronomers are still debating the nature of the Canis Major dwarf galaxy itself.

Taken 9/27/19 in Kenton, Oklahoma by Russell Kille on a Celestron CPC 1100 with Hyperstar @ F2 and ZWO ASI294MC Pro camera.

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