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M89 Elliptical Galaxy (aka. NGC 4552)
Magnitude: 10.73
Distance: Aprox: 50 million light-years
Constellation: Virgo

Current observations indicate that M89 may be nearly perfectly spherical in shape. This is unusual, since all other known elliptic galaxies are relatively elongated ellipsoids. However, it is possible that the galaxy is oriented in such a way that it appears spherical to an observer on Earth but is in fact elliptical. The galaxy also features a surrounding structure of gas and dust extending up to 150,000 light-years from the galaxy and jets of heated particles that extend 100,000 light-years outwards. This indicates that it may have once been an active quasar or radio galaxy. M89 also has a large population of globular clusters. A 2006 survey estimates that there are 2,000 ± 700 globulars within 25′ of M89, compared to the estimated 150-200 thought to surround the Milky Way.


M90 Intermediate Spiral Galaxy (aka. NGC 4569)
Magnitude: 10.26
Distance: Aprox: 58.7 million light-years
Constellation: Virgo

Messier 90 is a member of the Virgo Cluster,[4] being one of its largest and brightest spiral galaxies, with an absolute magnitude of around -22 (brighter than the Andromeda Galaxy)


Taken 2/19/18 in Chiefland Florida by Russell Kille on a CPC 1100 with Hyperstar @ F2 and ZWO ASI294MC Pro camera