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Sh2-261 (LBN 863) Lower's Nebula
Distance Aprox: 3,200 light-years
Constellation: Orion

Sh2-261 (or Lower's Nebula) is a H-II region on the outermost edge of our Milkyway, on the border of the galactic region between the Orion and Perseus arm. Although it is located in the northern hemisphere, it can be observed from all populated areas of the earth. In addition to the prominent objects in Orion such as M42, the horse's head or the flame nebula, Lower's nebula is rarely shown. Therefore it is not surprising that this object was first discovered in a photo by Harold Lower and his son Charles in 1939.

Taken 2/17/18 in Chiefland Florida by Russell Kille on a CPC 1100 with Hyperstar @ F2 and ZWO ASI294MC Pro camera

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