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M61 (aka. NGC 4304)
Apparent Magnitude: 10.18
Distance: Aprox: 52.5 million light-years
Constellation: Virgo
Diameter: 100,000 light-years
Number of Stars: More than 300 billion

M61 is a barred spiral galaxy. Messier 61 is one of the largest galaxies in the Virgo Cluster. Seven supernovae have been detected in M61 in the last century, making M61 the current record holder among Messier galaxies: SN 2014dt (magnitude +13.2) in 2014, SN 2008in (+14.3) in 2008, SN 2006ov (+14.8) in 2006, SN 1999gn (+13.4) in 1999, SN 1964F (+12) in 1964, SN 1961I (+13) in 1961, and SN 1926A (+12.8) in 1926.

Taken 7/7/18 in Toledo Ohio by Russell Kille on a CPC 1100 with Hyperstar @ F2 and ZWO ASI294MC Pro camera